


Conservation Easement Donation Program- Individuals willing to voluntarily donate a conservation easement on their land. Under this program the County funds all costs to place a conservation easement on a farm which includes a survey, stewardship fees, title work, and document preparation/recording. Criteria for this program is as follows:

1) The owner of the land has a documented conservation Plan in place with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS);

2) The tract is at least 40 acres in size;

3) The landowner owns all developmental interest in the land or has written documentation that all interests can be guaranteed should the property be approved( Mortgages, leins and gas leases removed);

4) There are no known environmental hazards on the site; and;

5) The owner is willing to restrict the future use of the property for

only those activities which are consistent with the county conservation program.

Once received the application will be reviewed for eligibility and the applicant contacted to discuss the process and the time frame anticipated to complete the donation. Depending upon the property and the availability of funding, the easement donation process may be completed in twelve to twenty-four months.

-Link to application to donate land conservation 2016-

Harrison County Agricultural Conservation Easement Program(HCACEP). The HCACEP provides funding necessary for a local trust to make application for a USDA grant to purchase a land conservation easement from a willing landowner. Since the land trust is the applicant under this program a landowner interested in selling a conservation easement must contact the land trust directly.

To be eligible for the program the property must be:

1) at least 40 acres in size with a minimum of 20.5 acres in active agricultural production;

2) at least 40-acres and located within a quarter mile of an existing parcel protected by a conservation easement; or

3) at least 80-acres in size; and

4) The landowners income must not exceed income limitations under the Federal ACEP program and

5) The landowner must own all developmental interest in the land or have written documentation that all interests can be guaranteed should the property be chosen for funding ( liens, mortgages or gas leases must be removed before easement is recorded).

Funding for this program is considered annually by the County Council and the availability of funds for a particular year is typically decided in October of the preceding year. Based on this schedule interested landowners are encouraged to contact our office as soon as they have any interest in the program.

Once our office has been contacted the landowner will work closely with a local land trust to make sure everyone is satisfied that protecting the farm is worth pursuing.

-Link to interest in offer to purchase 2022-

To schedule a consultation or receive additional information please email: infor@harrisonfarmland.org .

To schedule a consultation or receive additional information please email: info@harrisonfarmland.org.



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