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Harrison County Land Conservation Program

Harrison County Land Conservation Program (HCC) is a branch of County Government dedicated to conserving agricultural land, forest land and open spaces in order to maintain a long term business environment for agriculture and forestry in Harrison County, to protect the rural character of the County, and to maintain the quality of life of county residents.

HCC was formed in 2006 to provide financial assistant to landowners interested in voluntarily conserving their land and is the first and only county level land conservation program in the state of Indiana.

Our Brochure is available by Clicking Here

Harrison County Land Conservation Committee

The program is administered by the Harrison County Land Conservation Committee which is made up of seven(7) members who reside in Harrison County.

Currently funding for the program is limited primarily to grants and private donations. All donations qualify as a charitable donation for income tax purposes and new supporters are always welcome. Should you wish to help support our work please visit our support page.



harrisonland logo
 Your Farm could be next !

Photo provided by Courier Journal
Harrison County Conservation Committee's

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